Revision as of 21:00, 28 January 2016 by Dustin Loup (talk | contribs)
Article of the Week
Botnet Attacks involve networks of infected computers controlled by a hacker or "botherder" without the consent of the computers' owners. These infected computers can be used in complex cyberattacks, including but not limited to Fast Flux attacks where the controller uses the botnet to hide his or her location, Spam attacks, DDOS attacks, and Phishing attacks, all without the knowledge of the computer's owner.

The term botnet comes from the combination of robot and network. Sometimes botnets are referred to as zombie computers or zombie networks because they infect other computers. They can also be hard to detect and shut down once they are established, especially when the average user may not realize they are part of one. For example, when part of the Kelihos botnet was taken down, it reappeared within 4 months.

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Acronym of the Week
FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol, which is a TCP/IP based network protocol just like the HTTP used to transmit files from one computer to another through the Internet. FTP is designed to transfer multiple small files such as images on a web page instead of transferring a single large file.
In the News
TLD of the Week

.gov is one of the original top-level domain namess (TLDs) that was implemented in the root zone of the internet Domain Name System (DNS). The domain is a short term for "government."

What We're Working On
Giving everyone a voice in the future of the internet is our mission statement. That's why we have started a campaign to translate a set of essential articles into other languages. We have a good start with Spanish and Chinese content translated by a number of generous organizations. However, we do not want to stop here. The internet is a global entity that deserves to be understood and utilized by all. If you can contribute to this inititative in any way, please contact us.
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