Sivasubramanian Muthusamy

Revision as of 16:58, 10 April 2011 by Ray (talk | contribs) (removing soft line breaks)
Country: India
Email: isolatednet [at]

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Sivasubramanian M is the President of Isoc India Chennai.[1] which is also an At-Large Structure as part of the APRALO region within ICANN. He is also the CEO at Isolated Network, a Web Development and IT Services company. [2]

Isolated Network is currently working on launching a Mobile PC with an open source operating system, under the brand name Turiya.

At ICANN, Shiva has served as the ALAC IDN Liaison, has taken part in ALAC, GNSO and cross constituency working groups.[3]

He has organized IGF workshops at the IGF meetings at Egypt and Vilnius and is organizing a Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values

Career History

Participation in International Programs

  • Internet Governace Forum, Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, 2009
  • ICANN Meeting, San Francisco, March 13-18, USA 2011
  • ICANN meeting, Sydney, Australia June 20 – 27, 2009
  • ICANN meeting and the at-Large Summit, Mexico. Feb. 27 – March 7, 2009
  • Internet Governance Forum, Hyderabad. Dec 03 – 06, 2009
  • OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Future of Internet Economy, Seoul, Korea. June 2008
  • International Model United Nations, UN General Assembly, New York as one of the four Delegate from Indian Junior Chamber. July 29 – Aug 2 1991
  • Rotary Group Study Exchange of the Rotary Foundation to Argentina and Paraguay as Exchange Student. 6 weeks in 1994 Rotary International Short term Youth Exchange program to (West) Germany. 4 weeks in Sep 1987[5]
