Brajesh Jain

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Country: India

Brajesh (C.) Jain is an Executive Council Member at ISPAI.[1] He serves as the President at Spectranet and the Director in the NIXI Board.

Mr. Jain is also the Chair of ISOC Delhi


Mr. Jain holds a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from the Institute of Technology Banaras.

Career History

He has done a lot of work on NGN committee of TRAI. He was member of Department of Information Technology (DIT), Government of India monitoring Committee for IPv6 implementation project.

When internet emerged in India in 1999, he was one of the people who managed Internet services, VOIP, IPVPNs and MPLS based services. He has also worked at Bharat Electronics Ltd, CMC Ltd, RPG Enterprises Ltd ( RPG/NTT Japan project ) and Estel Communications.
