Michael Twist

Country: Australia
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   [Michael Twist Michael Twist]
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @1MichaelTwist

UnderConstruction.png Michael Twist is the Business Development Consultant at AusRegistry International.[1] He is responsible for the sale of .brand gTLD's to corporate clients.[2]

Career History

From 2009-2010, he was the State Manager at Crewe Sharp Corporate Human Resources, where he oversaw recruitment specialists in fields such as Construction, Engineering, Manufacturing & Logistics Finance, HR and Office Support. Mr. Twist worked at TurnaroundHRM as a Principal Consultant for 8 months in 2008. For four years prior to joining TurnaroundHRM, he served as a Team Leader at Aquent. He worked as a Sales & Marketing Manager at Butler & Blackberry in the beginning of his career for one year.[3]

External Links

Michael Twist on CircleID.
