Statement of Interest

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SOI is the abbreviation for Statement of Interest. The Statement of Interest is an application to be completed by any individual who wishes to be selected for membership by ICANN's NomCom. The SOI may only be submitted to NomCom via electronic submission.

The NomCom considers a person who has submitted the SOI as a candidate for selection. Anyone who has not completed the application as a whole will not be considered. The NomCom relies heavily on the information provided in the SOI and by the references listed by the applicant, as those are their primary sources of information about the applicant.[1]

Considerations for filling out the SOI

There are certain things that an individual must consider while filling out the Statement of Interest, including:

  • The person needs to complete the full Statement of Interest in English and in plain text without attaching any kind of additional documents.
  • The individual needs to provide responses to the items of the SOI in the correct order and immediately after the item.
  • The individual also needs to see that the response is adequate to confirm without any kind of reliance on linked resource.
  • The individual also needs to understand that the NomCom will not be able to review any of the materials provided by the individual through reference by URL links in the response.
  • The individual also needs to provide the meaning of all the acronyms used to refer to any activity or organization, as well as mention the objective of the activity/organization.
  • The individual needs to limit responses to not more than 3,500 words, giving special importance to the most relevant information.
  • Last but not least, the individual needs to send the complete SOI through email.[2]
