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.UnitedStatesoAmerica.com or United States o’ America .com, is a pseudo-ccTLD or informal domain registration SLD, open to individuals and organizations from the United States of America or that have some relationship with the country.

The launch took place in 2024, as a way of encouraging communication, patriotism and innovation on the part of young audiences and immigrants, using the informal name “United States o' America”, as the “o'[1][2]” with an apostrophe is the reduced form of “of”, as in the case of the famous brand of margarine and dairy products Land o'Lakes.

The domain registration system and business model are similar to those of CentralNic Registry[3] and IT.com[4].

Domains can be registered from the 3rd level.



The headquarters of I Love Domains - United States o' America[5], the company that operates .UnitedStatesoAmerica.com, is in Florida.

References[edit | edit source]