Brand TLD

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Brand gTLD is an innovative top level domain name (TLD) program introduced by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers under its January 2012 New gTLD Expansion Program. The Brand gTLD provides opportunity for corporations with multiple brands, products or services to use their corporate name as their website address instead of using the traditional .com or .net domain space. For example, Apple Inc, may use instead of In an interview, ICANN CEO Rod Beckstrom explained that the .brand domain is just like a logo change and a new marketing strategy for companies.[1]

Benefits of Brand gTLD[edit | edit source]

According to the New gTLD site, the benefits of operating a Brand gTLD registry include:[2]

  • Enable companies can create shorter and easy to remember internet address.
  • Consumers will be able to easily access information regarding the products and services.
  • Allows companies to control their web presence by creating second level domains for their products and services.
  • The trademarks of companies will be secured and protected against cybersquatters.
  • Provides new opportunities for website marketing campaigns and strategies.

Reactions Regarding Brand gTLD[edit | edit source]

Companies and organizations have varying reactions regarding the brand gTLD. Deloitte, Canon, Hitachi, Motorola and Unicef expressed their enthusiasm to apply for their own .brand TLD to enhance their SEO strategy and security against cyber attacks. Canon emphasized that the program provides the company with the opportunity to "increase the convenience and effectiveness of its online communications." [3] [4]

On the other hand, Gary Elliot, Chairman of the Association of National Advertisers said companies like Procter and Gamble and HP are not interested to apply for a .brand TLD because the cost is confusing and expensive. He estimated that companies will spend as much as $1.5 million to operate their own TLD registry. [5] [6]

According to domain analysts, companies that will apply for a Brand TLD will fall under one of these groups:[7]

  1. Companies or organization with specific plans and ideas on how to use .brand TLD to increase their profit.
  2. Companies or organizations that are registering for defensive purposes and believe that the current TLD protection is insufficient.
  3. Companies or organization that do not want to be left behind and miss the opportunity offered by the brand TLD although they are still puzzled on how to operate their own TLD registry.

References[edit | edit source]