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Dates: 1st - 4th November 1999
Location: California
Venue: Sheraton Gateway Hotel near the Los Angeles Airport in Los Angeles, California
Website: [1]
Historical Significance
ICANN 4 was the first event to be held in Californaia


ICANN 4 was held in the Shearton Gateway hotel located in Los Angeles California. There were to be several meetings planned for the event, and all meetings were determined to have been a succsess. Meetings that were held included the egular DNSO meetings, an informal AT-Large membership forum, an ICANN Public forum and a ICANN Board Meeting.

ICANN had also made arrangements with the Berkman Center for Internet & Society to provide the option, of remote participation diring the course of the event. This addition to the event had made it possible for the public to activly comment on the open meetings as they were in progress.

Meeting[edit | edit source]

This ICANN meeting was schedualed to last for four days, and was to consist of several meetings lasting the course of each day. Day one had mainly consisted of Mettings between the DNSO and had consisted of meetings that talked about issues such as the global awareness and outreach. There was also a meeting on this day, between the DNSO registrar constituancy which was to talk aobut the funding issues, ICANN faced at this time.

Day two was to bring an ADHOC open meeting and also a discussion throughout the Govermental advisory committee. The GAC primary role, in its involvement towards ICANN is to provide guidence on Issues of Public Policy. A GAC Public open forum was also arranged for later on in this day. At the end of day two there was a DNSO working group, which was held to talk about Buisness plans and normal working procedures.

Day three of ICANN 4 consisted of an all day public forum, in which members of the public could talk about, and raise awareness to any issues or concerns they have about the use of Top level domains and also ICANN Procedures.On the Final day of the event, there was a continuation of the previous public forum, which was well discussed throughout the closing meeting of the day, the ICANN board Meeting.

Developments[edit | edit source]

Historical Notes[edit | edit source]

During this meeting there were several new board members, that were to become a part of ICANN, New members to the board included:

- Esther Dyson - Jean-Francois Abramatic - Amadeu Abril i Abril - Rob Blokzijl - Vint Cerf - Jonathan Cohen - Philip Davidson - Ken Fockler - Alejandro Pisanty - Pindar Wong

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]