Thomas Lowenhaupt

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Revision as of 11:42, 8 February 2011 by Alexander Phoenix (talk | contribs)
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Thomas Lowenhaupt.jpg
Email: toml [at]

Thomas Lowenhaupt's interests lie in improving governance systems for geographic entities. He has been a member of his New York City community board for 15 years. Recent activities include the initiation of The BeyondVoting Wiki in February 2005 to engage the public in revamping local governance in NYC; and using the metaverse to model and help select a park facility for his community. The picture shown here is of his avatar who often resides on SecondLife's Democracy Island. (He claims to be less maniacal than the picture would lead one to believe.)

Career History

Mr. Lowenhaupt's public involvement with Internet governance began with comments he filed on the NTIA's 1998 Internet governance NPRM. A key goal remains reserving space for individuals, entities, and ideas not currently on the net. The .nyc campaign evolved from that goal.
