Jahangir Hossain

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Country: Bangladesh
Email: jrjahangir [at] gmail.com
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   [Jahangir Hossain Jahangir Hossain]
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @jrjahangir

Jahangir Hossain was an ICANN Fellow for ICANN 49 in Singapore, which was his first ICANN meeting. He is involved in ISOC Bangladesh.[1] The Internet seems to be at the cross roads now, It will be very interesting to see how the Internet Governance issue finally gets solved. It’s been a while since this issue is under discussion. However, with WCIT 2014 this year everything seems to converge to a point for the next IGF 2015 meeting. As an Internet activist and presenter I believe that this is the time I need to get involved with Internet governance forum , gather root level knowledge , provide local leadership and contribute towards International policy framework. With my in dept knowledge about technical aspects and working experience in a developing country, I will be in a position to gain a comprehensive experience about Internet governance which I will be able to disseminate with our local and regional people.

I have been in the Internet industry since 2005. Known person in Bangladesh as a Technical expertise on policy making process, awareness and development in various stakeholders also working as an ICT presenter, Trainer as well as organizer for local and international community.

I am the formal fellow of South Asian Network Operator group (SANOG) and The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 49 meeting. Presenting ICT paper on various local and international community specially ISPAB, BIGF SANOG, ISOC, ICANN and Universities.

Participated volunteer role in ICANN on Virtual Integration working Group also participated IGF 2013 meeting in Indonesia as an ISOC ambassador. I have also participated NETmundial - Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance in Brazil 2014 and trying to put some contribution from developing countries perspective and building awareness and skill on Internet governance principle in local and regional community.

I have also completed graduation and master Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering from Daffodil International University.

I am now based in Dhaka, Bangladesh where professionally as a Head of Systems and solutions of IP Transit Provider named Earth Telecommunication (Pvt.) Limited and Open Communication Limited a leading internet resource analysis and Consultancy organization specially on IP Transit provider, Technical Policy development process, Content Development, Nationwide Telecommunication Transmission Network (NTTN), An International Gateway (IGW), Inter Connection Exchange (ICX), Corporate Sector and respectively.

Beside my professional career I have been involving couple of non profitable organization as volunteer specially Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF) and Internet Society Bangladesh Dhaka Chapter. Now I am the founding member and Vice President of Internet Society Bangladesh Dhaka Chapter last four years which certified structure for At-Large in ICANN 2014 as an At-Large Structure (ALS) and member of BIGF. As Chapter officer I have been managing chapter member’s activities and initiate various programs for build up local awareness and skill by collaborating with local and global organization to minimize the technical and awareness gap between local and global community framework from developing country perspective.

I have participated Internet Society (ISOC) Next Generation Leadership (NGL) program and trying to play important role for analysis Internet Resource, internet governance principle , Cyber security and date protection and build up local and regional awareness to ensure “Internet for Everyone “.

Finally I want to engage with the global Internet leaders in shaping the future of the Internet. This will give me a chance to widen my knowledge of Internet Governance issues, will enable me to know much deeply about the issues in different countries and will tailor my leadership capabilities. On the other hand, my participation will be beneficial for the global community as low participation from developing countries at IGF is a growing concern now. This experience will enable me to develop Internet leadership in Bangladesh as well as regional and global community.


  1. ICANNWiki - ICANN 49 Intake Form, March 2014