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9 November 2024

N    22:31  .vg 4 changes history +1,713 [Christiane (4×)]
22:31 (cur | prev) +1,399 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
15:45 (cur | prev) +19 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:CcTLD using HotCat)
15:44 (cur | prev) +37 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:British Virgin Islands using HotCat)
15:44 (cur | prev) +258 Christiane talk contribs (Created page)
     22:24  .tc diffhist +1,618 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     22:14  .pf diffhist +2,574 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     21:54  .nf diffhist +1,095 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     21:37  .nc diffhist +3,721 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     21:09  .ms diffhist +1,662 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     20:55  .mp diffhist +1,583 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     20:45  .im diffhist +1,353 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     20:27  .tv 2 changes history +903 [Christiane (2×)]
20:27 (cur | prev) +829 Christiane talk contribs (Added content, removed old content with dead links)
18:48 (cur | prev) +74 Christiane talk contribs (Started normalization)
     20:13  .vu 4 changes history +1,632 [Christiane (4×)]
20:13 (cur | prev) +8 Christiane talk contribs (Added internal link)
20:12 (cur | prev) +1,468 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
15:50 (cur | prev) +21 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:Vanuatu using HotCat)
15:49 (cur | prev) +135 Christiane talk contribs (Normalization and added content)
     19:50  .va 4 changes history +1,792 [Christiane (4×)]
19:50 (cur | prev) +1,585 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
15:40 (cur | prev) +19 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:CcTLD using HotCat)
15:40 (cur | prev) +22 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:Vatican using HotCat)
15:39 (cur | prev) +166 Christiane talk contribs (Changed redirect to page; added content) Tag: Removed redirect
     19:23  .ws 3 changes history +1,173 [Christiane (3×)]
19:23 (cur | prev) +1,130 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
15:52 (cur | prev) +19 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:Samoa using HotCat)
15:52 (cur | prev) +24 Christiane talk contribs (Normalization)
N    18:58  .vc 4 changes history +752 [Christiane (4×)]
18:58 (cur | prev) +420 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
15:42 (cur | prev) +19 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:CcTLD using HotCat)
15:42 (cur | prev) +47 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:Saint Vincent and The Grenadines using HotCat)
15:41 (cur | prev) +266 Christiane talk contribs (Created page)
     18:44  .tt diffhist +1,934 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     18:29  .zm 4 changes history +2,296 [Christiane (4×)]
18:29 (cur | prev) +2,034 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
15:54 (cur | prev) +19 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:CcTLD using HotCat)
15:54 (cur | prev) +21 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:Zambia using HotCat)
15:54 (cur | prev) +222 Christiane talk contribs (Changed redirect to page; added content) Tag: Removed redirect
     18:09  .ug 4 changes history +627 [Christiane (4×)]
18:09 (cur | prev) +426 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
15:31 (cur | prev) +19 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:CcTLD using HotCat)
15:31 (cur | prev) +21 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:Uganda using HotCat)
15:31 (cur | prev) +161 Christiane talk contribs (Changed redirect to page; added content) Tag: Removed redirect
N    17:59  .uz 4 changes history +2,032 [Christiane (4×)]
17:59 (cur | prev) +1,730 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
15:37 (cur | prev) +19 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:CcTLD using HotCat)
15:37 (cur | prev) +25 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:Uzbekistan using HotCat)
15:37 (cur | prev) +258 Christiane talk contribs (Changed redirect to page; added content)
     17:39  .tl diffhist +471 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     17:35  .tz 2 changes history +2,914 [Christiane (2×)]
17:35 (cur | prev) +1,068 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
17:03 (cur | prev) +1,846 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     16:45  .tm diffhist +1,619 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
     16:29  .zw 2 changes history +3,154 [Christiane (2×)]
16:29 (cur | prev) +23 Christiane talk contribs (added Category:Zimbabwe using HotCat)
16:29 (cur | prev) +3,131 Christiane talk contribs (Changed redirect to page; added content) Tag: Removed redirect
     15:47  .vi 2 changes history +177 [Christiane (2×)]
15:47 (cur | prev) +31 Christiane talk contribs (Added reference header)
15:46 (cur | prev) +146 Christiane talk contribs (Added content)
 m   11:31  Robert Guerra diffhist −36 Rguerra talk contribs (removed Category:Former NomCom Delegate using HotCat) Tag: Manual revert