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.nu is the ccTLD for the country of Niue. The TLD is currently operated by Internetstiftelsen i Sverige, the organization responsible for the management of Sweden's .se TLD.[1]

Ownership Dispute[edit | edit source]

Early History[edit | edit source]

The domain was originally delegated to the nonprofit Internet Users Society - Niue (IUS-N), organized by Bill Semich, in 1997.[2][3] Semich identified the .nu domain as a "business opportunity" and became deeply engaged with the domain name industry, finding an opportunity in .nu.[4] Semich's interest coincided with the international participation in and eventual formation of ICANN.[4] Semich was appointed to the DNSO's Names Council in 1999.[5] ICANN and IUS-N entered into an Accountability Framework regarding the maintenance and operation of the domain in 2008.[3] Semich's company WorldNames provided the technical back-end for .nu until 2013.[6]

In 2013, WorldNames transferred technical control of the domain to IIS.[7]

Litigation & Administrative Efforts at Redelegation[edit | edit source]

In December 2020, it was announced that Niue has initiated a proceeding asking ICANN to redelegate the TLD to its control.[2]