Claudia Storani has been Online Marketing Specialist for of Dada Group, where she manages analysis and activities to acquire new customers, launch new products and increase the value of customers. She also coordinates co-marketing programs with potential partners.[1] She has held that position since May 2011, though she has been with the company since November 2009.[2]

Affiliation: Dada Group
Country: Italy
Email: claudia.storani[at]
LinkedIn:    [Claudia Storani Claudia Storani]

ICANN 50 in London 2014 was Storani's first ICANN conference, and she is especially interested in Education, new gTLDs, Registries, and Telecommunications.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 ICANNWiki Interview, ICANN50, July 2014.
  2. Claudia Storani,