Country: Canada
Email: ross [at]
LinkedIn:    [Ross Rader Ross Rader]

Ross Rader work for Tucows. He is the General manager of Hover, a service of Tucows Inc. from 2005 to present.[1]

Past Work edit

In the past he has been a Director (Board member) at CIRA, Director, Retail Services at Tucows Inc., Councillor, GNSO Registrar Constituency at ICANN, Director, Research & Innovation at Tucows Inc., Director, Assigned Names Division at Tucows Inc., Director, Marketing at Internet Direct and the General Manager at Internet Direct.

He was a member of Board Elections Committee at UMCA and Board Nominating Committee - ALAC Representative at ICANN.[2]

Education edit

He received his education from University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management, The University of Western Ontario - Richard Ivey School of Business and The University of Winnipeg.

Interests edit

He is a record holding ultra-distance cyclist who chips away at the Canadian winter with long distance running. He love books and music and listen to anything, but opera.

Ross love charity, competitive endurance cycling, long distance running, photography, music and all things internet.

References edit