Translations:DOMAINfest Asia/3/en
Launched in 2004 as a series of gatherings globally, DOMAINfestbegan as an official conference series in Barcelona, Spain in 2006. In the past decade, DOMAINfest events have been held in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Prague, Santa Monica, Seattle, Sydney, Vancouver, and Wellington. Past DOMAINfest events have been host to keynote speakers such as Steve Wozniak, Kim Kardashian, Biz Stone, Gary Vaynercek, Frank Schilling, and 100s of business leaders, as well as being host to amazing entertainment like the Stone Temple Pilots. [1]
DOMAINfest Asia is to be hosted at Grand Hyatt Macau – part of the City of Dreams urban resort – in Cotai, Macau on September 4-7, 2015.