Allan J. Fret Cruz

Revision as of 13:49, 13 March 2018 by Allanjonuel (talk | contribs)

Allan J. Fret Cruz comes from Dorado, Puerto Rico. He is a senior student from the University of Puerto Rico - Bayamon, where he is pursuing a bachelor degree in Computer Science. He learned about ICANN through his involvement with the Internet Society Puerto Rico Chapter. He's interested in learning more about how Internet policy-making works so he can contribute in the future. He feels that his participation in ICANN61 with the NextGen program enhanced his leadership skills. The experience was unforgettable and invaluable in his professional development.

Organization: University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon
Affiliation: NextGen@ICANN
Stakeholder Group(s): ,|xyz|xyz|
Region: North America
Country: Puerto Rico
Facebook:    Allan J. Fret Cruz
LinkedIn:    Allan J. Fret Cruz
Twitter:    @allanfret

Career History

Programmer/Analyst. University of Puerto Rico at Bayamon August 2017 - Present,

Intern. Secure Cloud Computing Research Internship, Missouri University of Science and Technology May 2017 - July 2017

Intern. Programmer/Analyst, University of Puerto Rico at Bayamon Jan 2017 - May 2017

ICANN and Internet Governance Participation


North American School of Governance, March 2018


University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon 2014 - 2018

Prairie View A&M University, Student Exchange Program August 2016 - December 2016




Fellowship, North American School of Governance at Puerto Rico

Oracle JET & Cloud Native Environment, Oracle Knowledge Builder December 2017