I am Mili Semlani, a digital content manager and communications specialist. I graduated with a Masters in International Journalism from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014. I have spent the last four years reporting in and about the region with work assignments in India, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Singapore. Since graduation, I have worked with digital and print publications and managed tasks including news reporting, academic writing, social media, graphic design, communication design, PR, and web content management. My voluntary experience with Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) and IG policy space started as a Netmission Ambassador in 2013 where I was part of the pilot team to introduce youth participation at ICANN and other IG forums. Since 2014 my involvement has grown as a devoted volunteer and fellow at regional forums, ISOC chapter (Mumbai), yIGF, APrIGF (Member of MSG and Co-chair of Program Committee), IGF, and YCIG (Youth Coalition on Internet Governance). My stints with various print and digital publications as a digital strategy consultant and writer have greatly honed my reporting, writing, research, interview, editing, copywriting and content management skills. I have experience developing and running content platforms, websites, internal and external communication strategies and producing print material. In addition to professional reporting experience, familiarity with data, and the ability to convey curiosity and humour through my writing, I have an entrepreneurial approach to work.