Industry: Information Technology
Founded: 2002
Headquarters: Level 9 Grand Arcade Tower 16 Willis St. Wellington 6011
Country: New Zealand
Key People
Jay Daly, CEO

Dave Baker, Chief Technical Officer
Sue Carter, Administration
Manuella Vetta, Support Analyst
Sebastian Castro, DNS Specialist

.nz Registry Services (NZRS) supervises the business operations of New Zeland's .nz ccTLD. It is a limited liability company fully owned by InternetNZ, a non-profit open membership organization dedicated to promoting coordinated development and protecting the Internet community in New Zealand. [1]

The Domain Name Commission Ltd. (DNCL), a sister company of NZRS is responsible for the approval of registrars as well as the setting and implementation of policies and monitoring of the service level agreements for .nz domain name.

At present, the wholesale domain name fee for NZRS is $1.25 per month per domain name. Authorized registrars are able to set their own retail price for .nz domain name.[2]

Dispute and Complaint Process

NZRS is a listing service and the .nz DNS operates on a “first come first serve” policy. The DNCL will only participate in a dispute if a complainant believes that there is a breach in the .nz agreement or policies. A complaint must be filed in writing within 60 days after the incident occured and should be directed to the appropriate party.

If the parties involved are not able to come up with an acceptable resolution, the issue will be presented to the DNCL for investigation. The DNCL has the discretion to refer the case to a government agency such as the Commerce Commission, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, or to the Privacy Commissioner.[3]

Technical Community Membership

NZRS is a member of the following technical community: [4]

1. International Systems Consortium- is a non-profit organization, producer and distributor of world class Open Source software for the Internet Community and maker of Bind, the most popular open source DNS software. It is also one of the pioneers in DNS security and research. [5]

2. DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center-a leading organization that brings together operators, implementers, security providers and researchers to discuss their concerns, share information, and learn together through a trusted platform. [6]

3. Internet Assigned Numbers Association- an organization operated by ICANN, which is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS root system, IP addressing, and other protocol resourcing.[7]

4. Registration Infrastructure Security- is a global group composed of domain registries and registrars as well as law enforcement agencies working together to fight internet identity theft.[8]

5. NZ Network Operators Group- is an online community of network operators from the mailing list of NZNOG wherein the group facilitates discussions and conferences which serves as an avenue for technical information exchange among network operators in New Zealand. [9]
