Chokri Ben RomdhanePortrait.jpg
Chokri Ben RomdhaneCaricature.jpg
Organization: CNUDST
Affiliation: ALAC,MEAC-SWG, Fellowship Program
Stakeholder Group(s): ,|xyz|xyz|
Region: Africa
Country: Tunisia
Facebook: Facebook.png   Chokri Ben Romdhane
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Chokri Ben Romdhane
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @chokribr1

Chokri Ben Romdhane is an IT Senior Analyst and Head of Tunisian Database departement at CNUDST- Minstery of High Education Tunisia. Chokri implemented in collaboration with the CNUDST team PIST the first Tunisian open repository in collaboration with CERN , ULB, Tunisians Universities, and with partnership of others Maghreb Universities. In 2011 ,Chokri have initiated with a team of researcher the Tunisian Open Access group which advocate the Open access concepts, and promote the adoption of this concepts by the community of Tunisian researchers , the group organize several events : The Open Access Study days , Open Access Week, ICOA. During this events [1] he had several contributions

Career History

EPN Coordinator at AUF (2019-2020)

IT Senior Analyst at CNUDST (2002-present)

IT Teacher Ecole National des Ingénieurs Gabes(2002)

Oracle Developer (2000-2002) Oracle developer and dba

ICANN and Internet Governance Participation

2002 Chokri is a an ISOC global member.

2006 is member of Tunisian ISOC chapter,

2016-Present Chokri is a board member of the Tunisian ISOC Chapter,

2015-Present member of the ICANN Middle East strategy working group,

2019-Present ALAC Ambassador

2020-Presenet ARAB Open Acess Group Board member.


Master1 degree IT Analyst -Faculté des Sciences Économiques et de Gestion de Sfax Tunisia


S'aligner au modèle de publication en libre accès Plateforme Dédié Open Access Subgroups within ICANN Middle East and Adjoining Country Strategy Working Group