Brandon CS (Clark Schoepflin) Sanders is the Founder of SolSeed, Inc.[1] He currently works as a Developer at AboutUs, the Executive Director at Awakening Science Foundation, and the Principal at Brandon CS Sanders Consulting.[2]

Country: USA
Email: brandon [at] beyondyes,com

Facebook:    Brandon CS Sanders
LinkedIn:    Brandon CS Sanders
Twitter:    @brandoncsanders
Formerly an
ICANNWiki Staff Member.

Career History

Sanders has worked as Chief Technology Officer and Chief Architect at AboutUs.[3] He also held position as a technical director at IBESI. He was a research assistant at the University of Rochester.[4]


He holds a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Walla Walla College and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Rochester.[5]


Former ICANNWiki Staff