Laurence Millar

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Laurence Millar is currently the Managing Director at GVG Limited, and a Trustee and Treasurer at 2020 Communications Trust.[1]

Country: New Zealand

LinkedIn:    Laurence Millar

Professional Experiences

  • In GEISCO Limited, Mr. Millar was a senior technical consultant and among other tasks he also implemented diverse global systems for companies like American Express and Citibank;
  • Executive Manager for Databank Systems Limited where he handled the areas of customer service, applications management, and technical operations support;
  • General Manager in Information Technology for a Government agency where, among other things, he introduced the Community Services Card and managed the implementation of SWIFTT program;
  • At Azimuth Consulting Limited, Mr. Millar managed the area related to management consulting with a focus on business plans and government investment, and also managed the implementation of New Zealand's online government portal, [];
  • Chief Operating Officer at Infrontier Limited where he developed a business strategy for a start-up business that provided Supply Chain Management Solutions;
  • State Services Commission, Mr. Millar was the New Zealand Government's CIO;
  • At FutureGov, Laurence Millar continues to hold the position of Editor at Large. FutureGov is a network of senior public sector officials from Asia and the Middle East that work to create opportunities for improving the governance and engagement of organizations belonging to the public sector.
  • Presently, he is also the Trustee and Treasurer for 2020 Communication Trust;
  • Another important position that he presently occupies is Managing Director at GVG Limited. GVG, or Global Village Governance, tries to come up with answers for the challenges that governments face from globally connected citizens. Larence maintains its blog[2]

Government State Services Commission

Until May 2009, Laurence Millar was New Zealand's CIO. Mr. Millar developed and implemented the strategy for New Zealand's e-government portal, introduced the GatewayTM as a tool for managing risks, started the implementation of the Government Shared Network (GSN), etc.[3] However, in 2009, Mr. Millar resigned from this position due to poor management of the GSN contracts related to the Commission and the consultancy group Voco. [4]


  • University of London, MSc in Cybernetics, 1978-1980
  • University of Cambridge, MA Mathematics, 1970–1974
