Peter H. Hellmonds

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Country: Germany
Facebook:    Peter H. Hellmonds
LinkedIn:    Peter H. Hellmonds
Twitter:    @phellmon

Peter H. Hellmonds is an International Public Affairs professional with over 20 years of experience with the Internet. In the early 1990s, Peter worked on strategies for advancing electronic networking with developing countries at the World Bank and supported a number of African countries in their quest to achieve Internet connectivity. Peter also commissioned the first Web server for the World Bank in 1993. Between 1994 and 1998, he worked for the Swiss-Swedish Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) in project finance. At Siemens he served as Senior Advisor for International Financial Institutions and established an eGovernment strategy, contributed to the World Economic Forum Digital Divide Initiative, the G8 Digital Opportunities Task Force, the UN ICT Task Force, and the World Summit on the Information Society. Since 2006, Peter has been a member of the Commission on the Digital Economy of ICC, the Communications Expert Group of the German UNESCO Commission, the Strategy Council of UN GAID and he also served two terms in the multi-stakeholder advisory group (MAG) of the IGF. Peter has a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service degree from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., a diploma in International Studies from the SAIS at Johns Hopkins University, Bologna, Italy, and a Master's degree in Public and International Affairs (MPA) from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University.

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