Steve Machin

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Steve Machin is the CEO of Accent Media Limited, one of the applicants for the New gTLD .tickets. The company plans to operate .tickets as a secure space for ticket sales to help reduce ticket fraud.[1]

Affiliation: .tickets
Country: UK
Email: steve[at]
LinkedIn:    Steve Machin
Twitter:    @stevemachin
Featured in the ICANN 51 - Los Angeles playing card deck

Featured in the ICANN 54 - Dublin playing card deck

Machin has attended 4+ ICANN meetings, including ICANN 50 in London. He is the current Chair of NTAG within ICANN and is the co-chair of the Auctions Working Group within NTAG. He is interested in Internet Governance, Security and Privacy, and gTLD marketing.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 ICANNWiki - ICANN 50 Intake Form, June 2014