Dates: June 22-16, 2003
Location: Montreal, Canada
Venue: Le Centre Sheraton
Website: ICANN 17

ICANN 17 was held in Montreal, Canada. The Meeting was to be the second of three ICANN meetings in 2003mand many different topics were on the agenda.

The Meeting ran similar to previous event, whereas open public forums were set as well as closed board meetings, to discuss further topics. Webcast and remote participation services were available for those who wished to attend, however could not for any reason. Public forum meetings were to be free for any interested person, although pre-registration was advised due to the demand in recent years of available spaces.

Topics that were to be discussed included a meeting on Country code Top level Domain Names, and also a meeting on the latest security and stability issues facing ICANN.

Sessions edit

Historical Notes edit

Developments edit

Media edit

There are a selection of media files available to download from this ICANN event. Some of the sessions which are availble to view from ICANN 17 are as follows:

  • GNSO Meeting
  • ICANN Board Meeting
  • Public Forum

To download or view any of this video footage please follow the link provided - ICANN Video Footage

References edit

Real time captioning from the Public Forum

The Whois Workshop part one

The Whois Workshop part two

The ICANN Board Meeting

ccNSO Formation

Formation of AT LARGE Groups

GNR Proposal for .name SLD Service

Review of ICANN's Geographic Regions

Establishment of new sTLDs: Request for Proposals