Public Responsibility

Revision as of 16:26, 22 September 2021 by Jessica (talk | contribs) (Leadership)

The Public Responsibility department (PRD aka DPRD) aims to ensure that the Internet is stable, inclusive, and accessible across the globe and that all may enjoy the benefits of a single, open Internet and to build trust in the network and Internet governance.[1]


In November 2013, at ICANN 48, four strategy panels were introduced, one of which was the Strategy Panel on Public Responsibility. Its members included Nii Quaynor (chair), Tim Berners-Lee, Blake Irving, Soumitra Dutta, Nevine Tewfik, Bob Hinden, and Raúl Zambrano.[2] This panel was charged with proposing ICANN's role in promoting global public interest in ICANN's mission and core values and building an internationally diverse, knowledgeable, and engaged base of stakeholders in the developing world as well as developing five-year strategic objectives and milestones and a framework to implement said roles, objectives, and milestones. The ICANN Strategy Panel on the Public Responsibility Framework released its final report on May 15, 2014, which among other recommendations, resulted in the development of a public responsibility department to oversee ICANN's efforts at education, communication, and engagement with underserved publics.


Learning and Development

The PRD also oversees programs aimed at strengthening the diversity of the Multistakeholder Model by fostering opportunities for individuals from underserved and underrepresented communities to become active participants in the ICANN community.

Outreach & Education Roles
