ICANN Initiatives

Revision as of 19:25, 7 December 2021 by JP (talk | contribs)

ICANN's mission- and value-driven initatives include policies, organizational additions, operational improvements, and other initiatives designed to ensure that ICANN's strategic commitment to its mission and core values is realized in its policies and actions.

Although the organizations core mission and values have remained largely consistent throughout the organization's existence, certain events have resulted in amendments to the ICANN Bylaws to more precisely define ICANN's mission and values. For example, the IANA Functions Stewardship Transition expanded ICANN's mission slightly (to incorporate oversight of the IANA functions and the PTI) and incorporated the Affirmation of Commitments into ICANN's bylaws, memorializing the structure and rules for Specific Reviews.

EasyTimeline 1.90

Timeline generation failed: 2 errors found
Line 30: barset:ATR color:atr textcolor:black mark(line,black) width:15

- Invalid attribute 'mark(line,black)' ignored.

 Specify attributes as 'name:value' pairs.

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- PlotData invalid. Attribute 'color' has unknown color 'rds'.

 Specify command 'Color' before this command.