Organization: [[Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Mérida]]
Affiliation: AT-LARGE / LACRALO
Country: México
Facebook:    Eunice Pérez Coello
LinkedIn:    Eunice Pérez Coello
Twitter:    @elapercu

Eunice Pérez Coello was featured in the ICANN 78 - Hamburg Playing Card Deck.

He is a member of LACRALO Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) and NCUC Non-Commercial Users Constituency. has been selected as a fellow ICANN75 Kuala Lumpur 2022 and ICANN78 Hamburg 2023 receiving the "Tarek Kamel fellowship recognition" award recognizing the outstanding contributions of fellows in promoting ICANN's capacity building efforts in their respective regions, in 2023 she was in charge of the Hub Mexico within the LACNOG initiative - "For a multilingual internet in the LAC region" for the UADay2023 and this year inUADAY2024 she held the discussion table "Integrating Universal Acceptance in the curricula of Mexico's higher education institutions."as our own initiative integrating the ANUIES National Association of Universities and ANUIES IT through its Commission for Collaboration in the Ecosystem and Internet Development in Higher Education Institutions (CEDIIES), the Technological Institute of Merida (TecNM campus Merida) and the Universidad Modelo.