Country: Swiitzerland

Bill Drake is a professor of International Communication and Internet Governance at the University of Zurich. He has previously taught at Georgetown University and the University of California at San Diego. [1]

Prof. Drake is co-editor of the book series, The Information Revolution and Global Politics, from MIT Press.[2]

Industry Participation edit

Prof. Drake is able to provide his students with a unique view on Internet Governance and IT policy given his participation in various IT organizations and time spent consulting with governments and private-sector entities.

Bill was elected to the NCUC in 2008, and is set to serve through 2012; He is also a member of EURALO's Board of Directors, and a part of the GNSO council.[3]

He has been a part of the U.N's Forum on Internet Governance since 2003,[4] and addressed a meeting of the group in Sharm El Sheikh in 2009.[5] He has been invited to the WSIS.[6]

  1. Course List]
  2. LinkedIn
  3. ICANN40 SF Interview
  4. ICANN40 SF Interview
  5. YouTube
  6. ICANN40 SF Interview