Country: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Facebook:    [Olga Cavalli Olga Cavalli]
LinkedIn:    [Olga Cavalli Olga Cavalli]
Twitter:    @olgacavalli

Olga Cavalli is widely known professional for variety of her work in Argentina, America and Europe. She is an electrical and electronics engineer by profession.[1] She is currently a professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, the ITBA and the Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación ISEN.[2] She is also member of the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Group for the Internet Governance Forum.[3]

Education edit

Experience edit

Memberships edit

MAG member GNSO council member in ICANN GAC representative of Argentina in ICANN Diplo Internet Governance Community [4]

Research Interests edit

Global Governance and UN.[5]

Publications edit

  • Internet Governance Mechanisms for Latin America and the Caribbean.[6]

References edit