Annette Mühlberg

Country: Germany
Email: Annette.Muehlberg [at]
Facebook: Facebook.png   [Annette Muehlberg Annette Mühlberg]
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Annette Muehlberg (Born 1964) is the European representative of ALAC in berlin, Co-chair of Network New Media and the head of E-government at the public services.[1]She wants to make ICANN easy for the common people. Her motto is From ICANN to WECANN – WE Care about Assigned Names and Numbers

Career History

  • Internship at the United Nations Development Fund for Women in New York.[2]
  • Co-founder of the initiative 9th November to commemorate the Frankfurt Jews.
  • She was a press officer at the Austrian Tennis Federation, Singapore.
  • She is the Head of eGovernment at United Service Union.
  • She is also the Member of the Enquête-Commission "Internet and digital society".
  • She is a Member of EURALO Board at ICANN.[3]


She is the co-author of Charter of Civil Rights for a Sustainable Knowledge Society.
