
Type: Publicly held
Industry: Information Technology
Founded: 1983
Founder(s): James H. Long
Headquarters: 6401 South West Freeway,

Houston, TX 77074

Country: United States
Employees: 433 employees as of 2009
Revenue: $ 300 million plus as of 2010 [1]
Website: INX.com
Blog: INX Blog
LinkedIn: INX
Twitter: TwitterIcon.pngINXinc @@ INXinc
Key People
James H. Long, Chairman

Mark T. Hilz, President and CEO Philip Rydzewski, Chief Financial Office

'’’INX Inc.’’’ is a technology infrastructure solutions provider, founded in 1983 by James H. Long. These solutions are provided to public and private corporations in different industries ranging from health care, entertainment, legal, public and private educational institutions, local, state and federal government agencies. [2] The company’s headquarter is located in Houston, Texas and maintains other offices in Texas, California, Connecticut, Idaho, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Washington DC.

Technology Infrastructure Solutions

INX Technology Infrastructures are divided into three categories such as Network Infrastructure (network routing and switching, wireless networking and network security solutions), Unified Communications (Internet protocol (IP) network-based voice or telephone solutions, & IP network-based video communications solutions), and data center solutions (network storage solutions and data center server virtualization solutions).

Technology Partners

INX has partnerships with some of the leading IP Communication and Data Management companies which include Cisco Systems, VMware, Netapp and VCE.[3]


The comopany acquired different companies which include:

  1. Access Flow, Inc. - June 6, 2008 [4]
  2. NetTeks Technology Consultants, Inc.- November 14, 2008 [5]
  3. VocalMash – December 4, 2008 [6]
  4. Advanced NetworX, Inc.- July 17, 2009 [7]
