Hi, I'm an editor for the site. Welcome! Ray forwarded me your spreadsheet of terms, and it seems to me that all of the terms you were missing can be found in this acronym database: http://www.andalucia.com/icann/ Please take a look and let me know if anything is still missing. Thanks. Caterina

To all writers: Can you start marking each and every page you work on with UNDER CONSTRUCTION, when Caterina, Ray, or myself have edited and checked off on the page we will remove it. Thanks! Andrew

UPDATE: We've created an image that will make the "Under Construction" process easier: Please insert [[Image:UnderConstruction.png]] as the first text in every article you make. Thanks for putting up with the notes as we perfect this process. Be well, Stay in touch, Andrew


Great start! I've gone through and edited it. The only problems I came across were that the article was a bit unclear about the AAA (you say ADRs are "controlled" by them -- do you mean that the AAA is the ONLY organization that may use ADR? Or that it first invented ADR?) and the gTLD-MoU Administrative Domain Name Challenge Panels (what are these?). Both areas could use a little elaboration.

The other problem I found was in the citation. Every bit of information should be referenced. I see that you put a few references below the reflist tag, but this is not good enough. They must be embedded within the article. If an entire paragraph or section comes from a single reference, you can place the citation at the end of the paragraph/section. Or, if a paragraph/section is a summary of multiple sources, you may last multiple references in a row, so that they look like this: [1][2] in the article. Additionally, none of your referenced links worked. The one from gtld-mou.org doesn't load, and the others do not direct to a page with information about ADR. It is also best to avoid using Wikipedia as a reference. You can look at it to get an idea of the term, and you can use the references that it uses, but try not to use Wikipedia itself as a reference.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Caterina

Hi, I've taken a look at the articles you directed me to. The ADR article is still unclear in the section about gTLD-MoU's involvement with it. Additionally, the source link for that doesn't work. The ECTA article was fine. The DOC article could use a section on how it relates to ICANN and the domain name industry, and the FCC article needs clarification in the section about strategic goals, as I noted on the Articles needed page. Caterina

I haven't been able to find any suitable information on ACP either. It may happen from time to time that you won't be able to find any good sources for a term. When that happens, note the problem on the terms list, and then substitute the term for one listed under the "Glossary/ Company/ Heavily Linked terms" section on the Articles needed page. Thanks. Caterina

Hi, just wanted to let you know that you do not need to notify me when you've finished an article, as I can see when the links turn blue on the Articles needed page. Please do notify me when you're done with the full batch. As far as images go, I do not know what you mean by creating a new page for the image, but you may use images in the articles. The coding is: [[Image:name.png|thumb|right|image description]] When you use this thumbnail code, clicking on the image will take you to the image's page and the image will be viewable in its full size. Caterina

Technical Difficulties

Can you run a test? Can you try and insert in an external link to a given page, try it on my page: Andrew Merriam, and just insert a link to any external site. You should get the "captcha" box where you type in some garbled words to prove your a human being and then the link should go through. Does this work for you? Can you see the captcha box? One of our writers is not able to see the captcha box so if you could please run this test asap and get back to me on my talk page that'd be great. Thanks! Andrew

Replacement articles

Go ahead. Like last time, please make note of it on the Articles needed page. Caterina


Hi, please make note of the change in process for keeping track of your batches. There is a note on the Articles needed page explaining what is different. Thanks. Caterina

Batch 1

I see you've started on Batch 2, but there are still two articles in Batch 1 that you say don't have enough info, but haven't been replaced by another article (as far as I can tell). If you could take care of those before continuing on with Batch 2, that would be best. Also, are you waiting until I've done editing Batch 1 before you make the recommended changes? Caterina

Great, thank you. Just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page. Caterina

Batch 3!

We don't mean to overwhelm you but we assume that our working relationship will continue and improve and I've placed a Batch 3 on your page. This is to be done after you have successfully finished the other batches we've already given you. Right now Batch 3 is only 38 items, I will add to this to bring it to an even 50. Cheers! Andrew

Style Guidelines

I've been updating the Style Guidelines to specifically address issues that our new writers face, please take a look at it and let me know of any suggestions you have. Also I'd like to bring to all of our writers' attention the section on Forwarding Links:

"It is the writer's responsibility to wipe the old pages from icannwik.ORG and create links to the new icannwiki.COM. An example of this can be seen here. Explain in similar terms that the site is moving, that this particular article has been moved, and then point to it with a link. Something like: "ICANNWiki.org is being moved to ICANNWiki.com, this article has already been moved can can be found [(link) here]"."

Also, please take note of the rule below, it also addresses the procedure for wiping and linking from the old site that we will expect from everyone from now on. Thanks for you attention to this, we're trying to get a clearer system in place so please follow these new rules as you continue working. Thanks for your patience as we get this all systemized and explained! So,:

The wiped page should contain the disclaimer & link to the new site but it should also contain the category "ICANNWiki.com" (with that exact spelling and capitalization). As you know, the formatting for this is: [[Category:ICANNWiki.com]]. This is the only category that the wiped pages need, it should no longer contain a "People" category. This will help us to track our progress of moving over the old site.

Company Template Changes

Hi writers,We've updated the Company template. Please make note of the changes, and pay attention to the specific formatting. We'd like the appearance of the template to be as standardized as possible. Do not delete empty fields, as they will not show up anyway. I have gone through all of the old company articles and changed them to the new template.

Additionally, if you are writing an article about an organization (sometimes these are categorized as "glossary" or "company" to begin with), please use the company template when the organization has a logo. If it does not have a logo, you do not need to use the template.

Thanks, Caterina

Checking in

Hi, just wanted to check in and see how you all were doing. I'm planning on going through the edits you've made later today, but there are still a few that need to be edited. Please let me know. Caterina

I have fixed up the AFNIC article, no need to worry about that one. Caterina
Thanks for pointing that out. Occasionally I forget to remove the under construction image. I left it on ADR on purpose though, as I plan on looking at it further and possibly combining it with DRP.
Great addition to the FCC article! Really made it a lot more clear. :) Caterina

Re: Editor problems

Hi, I have noticed the same problems and unfortunately we have not been able to fix them as of yet. I apologize for the inconvenience. Caterina

Re: linking articles from old site

1. In order to log into the old site, you will need to create a new username and password for that site.

2. You can find the template on the page Template:CompanyInfo. If you copy and paste it from the page directly, you will lose the breaks, so you will have to go into the editor and take it from there (similar to how you took it from the CENTR page).

3. Please take a look at this page for information about categories. Thanks. Caterina

Checking In

Hi, just wanted to check in with you. I see you haven't made any changes on the site for over a week and wanted to make sure that everything was alright. Thanks. Caterina

Good to know. Just wanted to make sure we didn't lose you! Caterina

Photo Uploader

Attn: The photo uploader is now working. Andrew