National Internet Exchange of India


Type: Non-profit
Industry: Internet
Founded: 2003
Headquarters: Incube Business Center,

5thFloor, 18, Nehru Place, New Delhi –

Country: India
Website: NIXI
Key People
Sh. N. Ravi Shanker, CEO

Sh. A.N. Satija, Corporate Consultant
Sh. Deepak Kumar Mahajan, Financial Advisor

NIXI (National Internet eXchange of India) is a non for profit Organization registered under Section – 25 of the Companies Act 1956 on July 19, 2003.[1] It was designated to neutrally facilitate the exchange of domestic traffic between peering ISP members. The company also manages the .IN Registry since 2005.


.IN is the country code top-level domain name (ccTLD) for India. It is managed and operated by the .IN registry. Its registration began during the Sunrise period on January 1-25, 2005. The general public started to register their desired domain names on February 16, 2005.[2]

.IN Registry

The .IN registry was appointed by the Indian government in 2004. Its operation is supervised by NIXI.
