Robert Guerra is the Director of Freedom House's Global Internet Freedom Initiative. The project follows the condition of freedom on the internet, supports the use of anti-censorship technologies and forums, and focuses attention on threats to free digital expression. He is also a part of Freedom House's Advisory Group on their Freedom of the Net: Internet Index.[1]

Country: Canada
Blog: [CircleID Page CircleID Page]
LinkedIn:    [Robert Guerra Robert Guerra]
Twitter:    @netfreedom

Mr. Guerra is a founding directors of Privaterra, which is a project undertaken by the Tides Canada Foundation. They help NGOs with data privacy, secure communications, information security, Internet governance, and Internet freedom.[2]

Robert is an expert advisor to the DiploFoundation's Internet Governance and Capacity Building Program.[3]

He can speak Spanish, English, and French.

Other Roles

Robert Guerra has been involved with ICANN as a general participant and a member of the ALAC and SSAC;[4] he was also a delegate to the U.N.'s IGF. and its World Summit on the Information Society. His role at the latter conference involved being a member of the civil society bureau, the Internet governance caucus, and the NGO advisor to the Canadian government's delegation.

He is an advisor to non-profits, international organizations,a nd professional foundations and groups. He is a frequent speak on Internet freedom and other issues.[5]
