Regional At-Large Organization

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A RALO is a Regional At-Large Organization within ICANN. There are five RALOs worldwide, which are: EURALO (European Region), APRALO (Asia-Pacific Region), AFRALO (African Region), NARALO (North American Region), and LACRALO (Latin American and Caribbean Region). The RALOs are made up of At-Large Structures, and serve as the main forum and coordination point for each region regarding public input to ICANN. They each select two of their members to represent them as part of ALAC.[1]

The purpose of a RALO is to be an entity that facilitates the informed participation of individual Internet users via local ALSes with openness, participatory opportunities, transparency, accountability, and diversity in its structure and procedures. A RALO must consist of at least 3 ALSes from at least 2 different countries. Member ALSes must be from within the geographical region and must be certified to meet the requirements of the RALO's MoU. Each RALO must come up with an MoU, that is to be posted publicly to ALAC for comments before finalization.[2]


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