Ginger Paque is the Program Coordinator of the DiploFoundation Internet Governance Capacity Building programme (IGCBP).

Country: Venezuela
Email: gpaque [at]


Facebook:    [gpaque Ginger Paque]

She is activley involved with the IGF and has also worked as the moderator during the Internet Voting debate held at the IGF Hyderabad.

Ginger gave a presentation at IGF Sharm El Sheikh using remote participation tools[1]

Ginger Paque was born in USA but has lived for more than 30 years in Venezuela.

Career History

  • Representative to the World Federation of United Nations Association’s Task Force on WSIS [2]
  • Co-ordinator of the Internet Governance Caucus [3]
  • Elected to the Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus [4]
  • Member of the Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus Appeals Team [5]
  • Member of the IGF Remote Participation Working Group
  • Board member of the United Nations Association of Venezuela


  • ICANN fellow, Puerto Rico
  • ISOC, Venezuela Chapter
