Specific Trademark Issues

Revision as of 23:03, 22 September 2011 by Caterina (talk | contribs)

Specific Trademark Issues (STI, also Special Trademark Issues) is a resolution adopted by the Generic Names Support Organization (GNSO) on 28 October 2009. It was originally proposed by the GNSO when ICANN sent a letter to the GNSO requesting to review the policy implications of specific trademark protection mechanisms for the sake of the proposed new gTLD Program.

STI-DT edit

The GNSO created the STI-DT for the task of analyzing the specific rights protection mechanisms, which needed to be included in the Draft Application Guidebook or DAG. It consisted mostly of attorneys and others with experience in trademark law and the Internet as representatives from the following organizations:

After its creation, the STI-DT was assigned with the task of processing and addressing trademark issues, as well as providing solutions to the benefit of both the non-commercial users as well as those of the trademark owners and the DNS community as a whole.[2] The STI-DT published a report providing recommendations regarding the creation of a Trademark Clearinghouse and Uniform Rapid Suspension procedure.[3]

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