Yrjö Länsipuro

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Yrjö Länsipuro is a Finnish diplomat and IT Specialist who has served as the department head of Foreign Affairs. [1] He is currently a member of the board of the Finnish chapter of ISOC.[2] Lansipuro has represented his native Finland at a number of ICANN and ICT conferences.

Country: Finland
Email: yrjo.lansipuro[at]formin.fi
Facebook:    [Yrjo Lansipuro Yrjö Länsipuro]
Twitter:    @lansis

He has an MA in Social Science (1996) from the University of Tampere. His son, is a Finnish green politician and a gardener.[3]

Career History

Lansipuro has an extensive career in televised news. From 1959 to 1978 he worked for the Finnish Broadcasting Co. (YLE), as television journalist and TV news managing editor in Helsinki, and as a foreign correspondent in Moscow and the Far East.[4] From 1975 to 1977 he taught TV News Practicum in University of Tampere; and from 1978-1980 he led the European Broadcasting's New York Bureau.

In the eighties, he also worked as consultant, setting up an all-Asian TV news exchange by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU).

Governmental and IT Work

In 1992, he joined the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, working successsively as the Press Counselor of its embassy in Washington, D.C. [5] In 1997, Lansipuro became the Director General of the ministry's Department for Communications and Culture, and served there until 2005; he then became the minsitry's ICT Ambassador and Information Society Coordinator, where he represented Finland in ICANN's GAC. He held this position, and also represented Finaled for ECOSOC, from 2007-2009.

From 2007-2009, he was a member of PSC of ICANN.

Yrjo Lansipuro was the the delegate for the Finnish Section of European Cultural Foundation from 2006 to 2009.
