Joyce Reynolds

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Joyce Reynolds.JPG
Country: USA
Email: jkrey[at]

'’’Joyce K. Reynolds’’’ is a computer scientist and a pioneer member of the Internet Society (ISOC). She helped Jon Postel perform the functions of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority such as the global allocation of IP addresses, Autonomous System (AS) number allocation, management of the root zone of the Domain Name System (DNS) and other responsibilities from its early development in 1983 until 1998. After Postel’s death in 1998, she helped supervise the transition of the IANA function to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers until 2001. [1] She authored and co-authored numerous RFCs. Reynolds works for the Computer Networks Division at University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute (USC-ISI) as Internet Services Manager. She has been affiliated with the institution since 1979.[2]


Reynolds holds a Bachelors and Masters of Arts Degree in Social Sciences (History) from the University of Southern California (USC).

Career History


In 1998, Reynolds received the Internet Society Award in recognition for her outstanding contributions to the IETF’s User Services Area.[3] She also received the Jonathan B. Postel Service Award from the Internet Society in 2006 in recognition for their stewardship for the RFC Series, which enabled many other individuals to provide contributions for the development of the internet/[4]
