Wendy Profit is the Executive Assistant of Stakeholder Relations at ICANN. She joined ICANN in 2009.[1]

Country: USA
LinkedIn:    [Wendy Profit Wendy Profit]

Career History

Prior to joining ICANN, she was the Executive/Personal Assistant to President of DreamHammer, Inc for 2 years, where she assisted and advised the President on strategies and policies, acted as a liaison with design team and executives and managed projects. Mr. Profit has also worked as an Executive Assistant to the Chairman/CEO at Operation HOPE, Inc (2004-2007); Producer at Producer Bait (Formerly In the Pocket Productions) (2001-2004); EA/IT Tech Assistant at International Education Research Foundation, Inc (2002-2003) and Sales Assistant at BMG Distribution (1995-1998). She has also worked at Allen Freight Trailer Bridge in the beginning of her career.[2]


She holds a Bachelors of Science from the University of Florida.
