Hitachi Ltd.


Type: Public company
Industry: Electronics
Headquarters: 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8280

Country: Japan
Employees: 32,926 (as of end of March 2011)
Revenue: $112.2 billion (consolidated as of March 2011) [1]
Key People
Hiroaki Nakanishi, President

Hitachi Ltd. is a Japanese global company engaged in manufacturing a wide range of products from appliances, electronics components, defense systems, infrastructure systems, information and telecommunications systems. rail systems, urban planning and development systems. In 2011, the company reported $112.2 billion revenue. Its headquarters is located in Tokyo, Japan and maintains regional headquarters located in Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania. Hiroaki Nakanishi is the President of the company. [2]
