
Type: Organization
Industry: Public Services/Policy Dev't.
Founded: 1946
Founder(s): United Nations
Headquarters: UNHQ New York
Country: USA
Website: www.unicef.org
Facebook: UNICEF
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png@UNICEF
Key People
Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director

UNICEF (United Nations Children Fund) is responsible in leading the advocacy in protecting the rights of children worldwide, to help meet their needs and to increase their opportunities to reach their full potential. The organization is focused on five major areas: Child Survival and Development, Basic Education and Gender Equality, HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment, Child Protection from Abuse, Exploitation and Violence and Policy Advocacy and Partnership. UNICEF supports and promotes the Convention on the Rights of the Child in more than 190 countries and territories through its country programmes and National Committees globally.[1]

