Michael Deparini

Revision as of 21:26, 19 February 2014 by Mdeparini (talk | contribs) (Update bio for my profile)
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LinkedIn:    [Michael Deparini Michael Deparini]

Michael Deparini is the Operations Manager at PeopleBrowsr, which is in charge of the gTLDs .ceo, .best and Brand TLD .kred. He has held that position since May 2011, and has been involved in the gTLD program since creation of the applications for all 3 TLDs back in 2012. Michael currently runs registry operations for all TLDs, and is always looking to partner with registrars to create innovative, exciting ways to reach new customers and increase domains under management. [1]

Michael is also one of the product managers for Social OS, which allows anyone to turn their TLDs into an instant social network.

ICANN 48 in Buenos Aires was his first ICANN conference.[2]

References edit

  1. Michael Deparini, LinkedIn.com
  2. ICANNWiki - ICANN 48 Intake Form, November 2013