Country: Jordan
Email: fahd.batayneh [at]
LinkedIn:    [Fahd Batayneh Fahd Batayneh]

Fahd A. Batayneh is ICANN's Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator of the Middle East, and he joined the organization in October 2013.[1] He was previously the ccTLD/IDN ccTLD Manager of .jo/.الاردن at Jordan's National Information Technology Center (NITC), as well as a Board Member of APTLD,[2] a member of ISOC and ICANN's ccNSO, and a participant in IETF and IGF.[3]

Career History edit

Since 2008, Fahd has been a Names and Numbers and Internet Governance Specialist.[4]

ICANN edit

Fahd has been working with ICANN since 2008. He is Jordan's representative to ccNSO, and has been a member of the following groups:

  • Variant IDN Project – Arabic Case Study Team (VIP) (June 2011 – Present)
  • Joint ccNSO/gNSO IDN Working Group (JIG) (October 2009 - Present)
  • Incident Response Working Group (IRWG) (September 2009 – December 2010)
  • Strategic and Operational Planning Interaction Committee (SOP) (December 2008 - Present)
  • Community Wide Working Group on Geographic Regions (Geo WG) (December 2008 – Present)[5]

Education edit

Mr. Batayneh is currently pursuing an MBA degree at the German Jordan University and is expected to graduate in 2013. He holds a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Yarmouk University.[6]

References edit