Diego Canabarro

Revision as of 19:59, 23 September 2014 by DiegoCanabarro (talk | contribs)
Country: Brazil
Email: diegocanabarro[at]nic.br

Diego Canabarro works as an Advisor to the Executive Secretariat of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br, and is in charge of the Brazilian Internet Observatory.[1] He is a lawyer registered at the Brazilian Bar Association and holds a PhD in Political Science/International Politics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, where he worked for five years as a researcher at the Center for International Studies on Government (CEGOV). During 2012/2013, how worked at the National Center for Digital Government (University of Massachusetts, Amherst). His research deals with digital governance in different sorts of political communities and the interplays between digital technologies and international security. He has written extensively on the the institutional development of Internet governance from the perspective of the developing World, as well as on the securitization of cyberspace and the inherent risks to fundamental human rights.

In ICANN he follows the GAC, the GNSO, ISOC, and IETF.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 ICANNWiki Interview, ICANN50, July 2014.