Antoin Verschuren

Revision as of 17:32, 26 February 2015 by Mdavids (talk | contribs) (SIDN has left SIDN)

Antoin Verschuren has been a Senior Technical Policy Advisor at the non-profit registry SIDN since 2005 until december 2014. He was involved in Research & Development projects, and served as a Technical Liaison between SIDN and other organizations, like IETF, ICANN, and RIPE, where he advised on technical policy.[1]

Country: Netherlands
Email: antoin.verschuren[at]
LinkedIn:    [Antoin Verschuren Antoin Verschuren]

He was elected as a Director of the DNS-OARC Board in October 2012.[2]


  1. ICANN 46 Interview. ICANNWiki. Retrieved 2013 May 8.
  2. Antoin Verschuren, LinkedIn. Retrieved 2013 May 8.