.dm is the ccTLD for Dominica. It is managed by DotDM Corporation.[1]

Rules and Restrictions

Requests for registration of .dm and .co.dm Domain Names are open to all entities and individuals within or outside of the Commonwealth of Dominica with no domicile requirements.

A registrant's offer to register a .dm domain may be denied at the sole discretion of the .DM Registry, particularly if the domain under offer is found to be potentially injurious to the Laws, Morals, or Cultural and Diplomatic Sensitivities of the Commonwealth of Dominica and the People of the Commonwealth of Dominica.[2]

Second-level Domains

Registrations may be accepted for Second Level .dm Domain Names. The corresponding Third Level extensions: .com.dm/.net.dm/.org.dm will be Brand-Protected to the Registrant. However, these Third Level extensions:.com.dm/.net.dm/.org.dm cannot be configured in the DM zone.

  • .edu.dm: suffix is restricted to Educational Institutions registered and accredited for operating

in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

  • .gov.dm - suffix is restricted for use by the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica.[2]

Premium Domain Names

.dm Domain Names which contain 1, 2 and 3 characters as well as particular generic names are viewed as holding a higher value over other .dm names. These Names are considered Premium Domain Names. A Request for Registration may be submitted to a .dm Accredited Registrar.[2]

Reserved and Restricted Domain Names

In consideration of the need to preserve the .DM Registry’s stability and security and further, in consideration of the need to protect certain Government or State’s operations, particular domain names have been Reserved or are Restricted/Blocked from registration. DM Registry does not publish a list of these names. Requests for Registration of Domain Names containing the name “Dominica” require special processing in collaboration with the Ministry of National Security and Legal Affairs.

Requests for Registration for .DM domain names related to Banking, Fintech Services and Cryptocurrencies will be rejected.[2]


.dm Domain names may contain a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 63 characters. However, only characters A-Z may be registered. Spaces are not allowed. Domain Names are not case sensitive.[2]
