Asli Afal Demirel has been a Human Resources Manager at the Istanbul branch of ICANN since March 2015, where she manages, maintains, and improves HR services, as well as leads hiring, onboarding, and training. She collaborates in the formation of global HR policies and operations management within the EMEA region.[1][2]

Country: Turkey
Email: asli.afaldemirel [at]
LinkedIn:    Asli Afal Demirel
Currently ICANN Staff

Prior to that, she worked as an HR Director, Manager, or Consultant for a number of organizations, including Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Ergene Consultancy, Lundbeck, and Carrefour.[1]

She is also involved with ICANN through ALAC and GAC.[1]

ICANN 54 in Dublin was her first ICANN Meeting.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Asli Afal Demirel, Retrieved 2015 October 29.
  2. 2.0 2.1 ICANNWiki - ICANN 54 Dublin Intake Form. Retrieved 2015 October 29.