Jen Sale is Co-Founder/COO at Evergreen (includes Domain Guardians and Registrar Manager). She has been working in the Internet space since 2002.[1]

Affiliation: Evergreen Group, Inc.
Country: Australia
Email: jen [at]
LinkedIn:    Jen Sale
Twitter:    @jensale

Jen has attended ICANN meetings in Wellington in 2006, San Juan in 2007, Los Angeles in 2007, Sydney in 2009 and San Francisco in 2011.

Past Work

Jen was previously the Business Development and Product Manager for ROAR, Domain Distribution Network and Yexa at Dark Blue Sea ( Before joining Dark Blue Sea she worked at Ispye as a Web Developer.


Jen has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Design from the Queensland University of Technology.


Jen Sale and Adam Strong Launch Evergreen

Domain Guardians rock the planet with exclusive brokerage of
Domain Guardians adds domain sales newsletter as it increases brokerage activity
Six-Figure Sale of Gives DomainGuardians Their 1st Appearance at the Top of Our Weekly Domain Sales Chart
Let's Say You Die Tomorrow
How Can You Get Tons of Publicity?
Domain Industry Veterans Launch Domain Guardians
Fabulous’ Mike Robertson and Jen Sale Resign
What's a domain worth?
