Country: USA
Email: john.mcelwaine [at]
LinkedIn:    John McElwaine
Currently a member

John McElwaine is a Partner at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP, where he practices in the field of internet law and trademarks. He has held that position since February 2000.[1][2]

He is the Vice Chair of the Internet Committee of INTA, involved with ICANN through NomCom, the Commercial Stakeholder Group, and a member of the GNSO Council as part of the Intellectual Property Constituency.[2] He has represented the IPC on the GNSO Council since AGM 2020. He is a former treasurer of the IPC.

As of ICANN 51 in Los Angeles, McElwaine had been to over four ICANN Meeting.[2]

References edit

  1. John McElwaine,
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 ICANN 51 Intake Form. Retrieved 2014 November 28.